

tag icon Innovations

A new commentary published today in Nature Plants highlights the importance of an ancient grass species for wheat breeding.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

A new study on climate change patterns indicates that climate change could reduce total crop production 23 percent by 2050


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

A new study shows that while CA is well suited to helping farmers adapt to, and even increase profits in changing climates, there is considerable uncertainty about how much CA contributes to the mitigation aspect.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

A new study examined over 700 independent studies to find out if Conservation Agriculture works in a variety of environmental conditions in tropical areas.


tag icon Capacity development

A new study examines the role of collective resource management in conflict.


tag icon Innovations

A new study examines how networks help spread new technologies and innovations in agriculture.


A new study identifies the key ways to keep up with India’s rising food demand while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.


tag icon Innovations

A new study shows how wheat breeders can more efficiently increase yield and improve their selections by using modern genetic tools.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Recent modeling studies in Zambia suggest that provitamin A maize’s impact is being cut short by the low retention of carotenoids during storage and postharvest grain loss.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Farmers in Pakistan that practice climate change adaptation strategies have higher food security levels and are less likely to live in poverty than those that don’t.


tag icon Innovations

New evidence shows that not only do improved maize varieties increase crop productivity and farmer income, they can also decrease child malnutrition.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

In northwestern India, growing maize is being advocated as an alternative to rice to address resource degradation challenges such as declining water tables and climate change induced variability in rainfall and temperature.