+52 5558042004 or +52 5959521900
To call directly from the U.S., dial +1 (612) 605-5205.
General enquiries:
Media requests: Please visit our Media Center.
CIMMYT global headquarters
Carretera México-Veracruz, Km. 45, El Batán
56237 Texcoco
Postal address
Apartado Postal 041
C.A.P. Plaza Galerías, Col. Verónica Anzures
11300 Ciudad de México
United States forwarding address
The P.O. Box in the U.S. is just for inbound mail (letters, documents, magazines, account statements, credit cards, books, individual CDs or DVDs, and small personal packages weighing up to five kilograms). Please note that these objects incur a 16% VAT fee plus a 4% administrative fee and may be subject to additional customs charges. The address to use for this type of items is:
Your name + your P.O. Box number 370 / CIMMYT
P.O. Box 1128,
Brownsville, TX 78522
Physical address
The physical address should be used to receive larger items, online purchases, clothing, etc., up to US$1,500. Please note that these objects incur a 16% VAT fee plus a 4% administrative fee and may be subject to additional customs charges. Please note that it is strictly prohibited by Mexican authorities to use the service to send pharmaceutical products, any type of food product, alcohol, weapons and drugs. The address to use for these items is:
Your name + your A.P. number 370 / CIMMYT
1144 Lincoln St,
Brownsville, TX 78520