CIMMYT has a long history of collaboration and impact with national agricultural research and extension systems in Pakistan and has played a vital role in achieving food security since the Green Revolution. CIMMYT has continuously provided germplasm, financial as well as human resource support to Pakistan’s agriculture research for development. Since its founding, CIMMYT has steadily supplied elite wheat and maize breeding lines and populations to Pakistan.

Today, CIMMYT supports Pakistan research and competencies in plant breeding, seed systems, market development, sustainable intensification of cropping systems, climate change adaptation and mitigation, soil fertility improvement, fostering the adoption and impact of innovations, social and behavioral science, geo-spatial analytics, gender equity and social inclusion, communication, and capacity development.
Our impact
- Each year CIMMYT provides approximately 2,000 new wheat lines to strengthen national wheat breeding for disease resistance, drought and heat tolerance, higher yields, and biofortification.
- Between 2017 and 2020, partners released over 20 CIMMYT-derived varieties and hybrids, including climate resilient (drought and heat stress tolerant) and nutritious maize. More varieties are in the pipeline for release.
- Agricultural machinery such as the zero tillage “Happy Seeder” and direct dry seeded rice are being promoted to enhance productivity, profitability, and sustainability. Local manufacturers and local service providers are encouraged to expand their businesses around resource conserving machinery and services.
- CIMMYT has introduced technologies that ensure equal access for male and female farmers to innovations such as new seeds and mechanized crop management practices.