Year: 2020


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

In an environment designed for experimental study and regeneration, maize ancestors can thrive.

Member, CIMMYT Board of Trustees

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Entomologist Punya Nachappa explains wheat curl mites, the impact of climate change and why breeding for host plant resistance is key.

Project Manager

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

What do wholegrain foods look like around the world?


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Climate change will see pests moving countries and continents as conditions become more favorable.


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT and partners revise Nepal’s seed science and technology curriculum, so university graduates are better equipped to join the industry’s work force.


tag icon Capacity development

Small-scale agricultural mechanization service provision model supports women’s empowerment in the Ethiopian agriculture sector.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

What they are, why they are important for your health, and how to identify them.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Technical coordination between research and development partners is key to breed maize varieties that respond to the diverse needs of small farmers.


tag icon Innovations

Researchers discuss how phenotyping can assist breeding and make the case for investing in new methodologies.


tag icon Innovations

Web app helps extension agents and farmers monitor the spread of fall armyworm.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

New blog published by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs argues that balancing food security, rural livelihoods, water for agriculture and air quality need not be a zero-sum game.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Breeders are developing wheat varieties that have stable grain yield under low-water and high-temperature conditions.

Wheat Breeder