New Publications: Better post-harvest storage can raise vitamin A intake 25 percent in Zambia
Recent modeling studies in Zambia suggest that provitamin A maize’s impact is being cut short by the low retention of carotenoids during storage and postharvest grain loss.
New Publications: Climate change adaptation practices decrease poverty, boost food security
Farmers in Pakistan that practice climate change adaptation strategies have higher food security levels and are less likely to live in poverty than those that don’t.
New Publications: Study shows improved maize decreases malnutrition
New evidence shows that not only do improved maize varieties increase crop productivity and farmer income, they can also decrease child malnutrition.
New Publications: Sustainable agriculture boosts water savings in India
In northwestern India, growing maize is being advocated as an alternative to rice to address resource degradation challenges such as declining water tables and climate change induced variability in rainfall and temperature.
New Publications: Maize variety replacement lags in sub-Saharan Africa
New Publications: Common platform improves collaboration for research on genetic resources
A common platform through which data on genetic resources can be disseminated to both crop researchers and breeders can strengthen research communities.
New Publications: Biological control program brings long-term benefits to pest resistance
A new review highlights the potential for biological control programs to lift a large number of people out of poverty and create greater returns for consumers and producers.
New Publications: Consumer preference for GM food in Pakistan
WhileGM foods continue to be a topic of debate in much of the developed world, few studies have focused on consumers’ acceptance of GM food in developing countries.
New Publications: Successful agricultural interventions require social shifts, not just technological
While scientific research is an important component of the development of an agricultural innovation system, it is not enough.
New Publications: Wheat stem rust resistance identified in Kazakhstan and Russia
Stem rusts have proven to be a challenge to wheat farmers in Kazakhstan and Russia, particularly with higher rainfall in recent years.
New Publications: Study shows benefits and trade-offs of conservation agriculture in southern Africa
CIMMYT with other partners combined empirical data and results from a cropping system model to quantify benefits and trade-offs of CA in southern Africa.
New Publications: How to maintain food security under climate change
An internationally coordinated approach is key to breed and deploy crops resilient to climate change effects.
New Publications: Africa’s future cereal production
Cereal yields in sub-Saharan Africa must increase to 80 percent of their potential by 2050 to meet the enormous increase in demand for food.
New Publications: Rise of micro-satellites offers cost-effective way to collect data on smallholder farms
Micro-satellites are emerging as an effective low-cost option to collecting data like sow date and yields on small farms across the developing world.
New Publications: Durum wheat is becoming more susceptible to rust globally
Leaf rust is increasingly impacting durum wheat production worldwide.