Cultivando un MĂ©xico Mejor: 100% sustainable barley supply
InnovationsSource: Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (18 Dec 2023)
Sieg Snapp receives International Soil Science Award
Climate adaptation and mitigationDirector of CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems program recognized for outstanding contributions to soil science.
Why we need to go beyond technology
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Rural 21 (11 Dec 2023)
Sylvanus Odjo and Heike Ostermann highlight systemic scaling up of post-harvest technologies.
Viewpoint: Hunger crisis — The number of countries unable to feed their populations has soared 400% since 2000. Here’s why crop biotechnology is a key solution
InnovationsSource: Genetic Literacy Project (11 Dec 2023)
Biodiversity-smart agriculture – the role of labour requirements
Climate adaptation and mitigationDiscovering the potential of multispectral UAV and satellite sensors in detecting wheat rust in Ethiopia
Environmental health and biodiversitySensor technology is an efficient mitigator of crop epidemic and global food security risks.
I cannot do it alone
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionEntomologist Esther Ngumbi talks curiosity, passion for science, and the importance of mentorship.
While you were sleeping: increasing nighttime temperatures and their effects on plant productivity
Climate adaptation and mitigationWarming nights due to climate change are affecting wheat crops, including traditionally heat-tolerant varieties, according to a study by CIMMYT researchers. The findings underscore the need to take nighttime conditions into account when breeding resilient crop.
Transformative UK-CGIAR Partnership Announced at the Global Food Summit 2023
InnovationsSource: Alliance Bioversity & CIAT (23 Nov 2023)
New partnership between the CGIAR and the British Government.
CIMMYT’s Hub Model – a learning field in Mexico for the Indian Scientists
Climate adaptation and mitigationGenderUp: a conversational tool for achieving more inclusive impact from innovations
Climate adaptation and mitigationSource: Gender Impact Platform (21 Nov 2023)
Fall armyworm research, development and extension for horticulture
Capacity developmentTeams from Queensland DAF, Agriculture Victoria and others joined B.M. Prasanna, CIMMYT’s Maize Program Director, to discuss fall armyworm management and explore future collaboration on plant health.
Bringing Space to Place: Transforming African Agriculture with Better SOILS
Capacity developmentSource: IFDC (5 Nov 2023)
A statement by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu- Borlaug World Food Prize
Source: FAO (6 Nov 2023)
FAO director general, QU Dongyu, honors memories with Dr. Borlaug at CIMMYT in 2006.
Researchers propose a unified, scalable framework to measure agricultural greenhouse gas emissions
Capacity developmentSource: Life Technology (30 Oct 2023)
AGREE, created by UC Davis and CIMMYT, helps analyze emissions from diverse agricultural activities.