Genetic resources
Catch up on presentations from CIMMYT scientists and researchers at COP27, held between November 6-18.
Govaerts delivers keynote speech to Cereals and Grains 22
Exploring research-based solutions for the effects of climate change and food system shocks on smallholder farmers and global agrifood systems.
Is food security possible without peace?
For the International Week of Science and Peace, Govaerts and Burke analyze whether it is possible to achieve food security without peace, and how the two are interlinked.
FFAR’s food security webinar at COP27 highlights need for genebank collection diversity research
Register for an online webinar as part of COP27 to learn about the role of genebanks in building climate-resilient supply chains.
CIMMYT project helps educate farmers in Zimbabwe on seed practices and improved varieties
A project run by CIMMYT is giving farmers access to demos, field days and seed fairs to improve their understanding of good agronomic practices and improved seed varieties.
Kenya Lifts 10-year Ban On GM Foods, Allows Open Cultivation, Importation Of White GM Maize
Source: New Nigerian Newspaper (20 Oct 2022)
Food crops and animal feeds produced through biotechnology innovations can now be imported into Kenya after the ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) was lifted.
CIMMYT delivers seed to Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Maize and wheat seeds stored in Svalbard are essential for protecting global biodiversity for future generations.
Annual Report 2021 launched
CIMMYT discovers and validates new science, translates it into innovations, and scales them up for farmers and society.
Drought and heat tolerance in bread wheat landraces
Using technology often overlooked for analyzing genome qualities, scientists discover wheat landraces with resistance to the impacts of climate change.
AGG-Maize project registers impressive progress
Achievements and next steps discussed at the review meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.
Because error has a price
Incorrect identification of crop varieties is widespread among farmers, according to a new CIMMYT study.
Cereal seed systems
Discover how CIMMYT scientists support getting new improved seeds to farmers fields, faster.
Afghan wheat landrace shows promise for rust resistance
Genetic analysis of the Afghan wheat landrace KU3067 reveals resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust, which can be used to develop further disease-resistant wheat varieties.
Pilot of new wheat variety improves yield for farmers in Ethiopia
Farmers in Ethiopia’s lowlands trialed usage of the Kingbird wheat variety, with promising results for improved yield and increased income.
Fighting back against Ug99 wheat stem rust
Source: Corteva (10 Aug 2022)
Genetic analysis plays a vital role in tackling crop diseases such as wheat stem rust, which can be financially devastating for farmers.