Climate adaptation and mitigation
Climate change threatens to reduce global crop production, and poor people in tropical environments will be hit the hardest. More than 90% of CIMMYT’s work relates to climate change, helping farmers adapt to shocks while producing more food, and reduce emissions where possible. Innovations include new maize and wheat varieties that withstand drought, heat and pests; conservation agriculture; farming methods that save water and reduce the need for fertilizer; climate information services; and index-based insurance for farmers whose crops are damaged by bad weather. CIMMYT is an important contributor to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security.
Emergency seed fuels quick farm recovery in drought-affected Ethiopia
Climate adaptation and mitigationIn response to Ethiopia’s worst drought in 50 years and a critical shortage of seed in 2016, CIMMYT and partners delivered over 3,400 tons of high quality seed to farmers.
Facing the fall armyworm threat
Climate adaptation and mitigationIn a new blog published by Farming First, B.M. Prasanna discusses overcoming a pest that has been ravaging fields in Africa.
Breaking Ground: Leonard Rusinamhodzi on innovating farming systems for climate change
Climate adaptation and mitigationLeonard Rusinamhodzi works with African farmers to innovate farming systems in the face of climate change.
Establishing a soil borne pathogen research center in Turkey
Climate adaptation and mitigationTurkey’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock has for the first time allocated funding to establish a world-class center for research on soil borne pathogens.
New publications: How climate-smart is conservation agriculture?
Climate adaptation and mitigationA new study shows that while CA is well suited to helping farmers adapt to, and even increase profits in changing climates, there is considerable uncertainty about how much CA contributes to the mitigation aspect.
Climate disasters are closing in. Why have we forgotten farmers?
Climate adaptation and mitigationWith fragile food systems at the mercy of the increasingly erratic weather, they stand to lose a lot more than those of us with the resilience to bounce back.
Better farmer access to machinery eases crop residue burning in India
Climate adaptation and mitigationFarmers in India are benefitting from technological innovations that can help prevent damaging smog levels in the capital Delhi and other areas.
World leaders: Back climate change action in agriculture to give our food system a fighting chance
Climate adaptation and mitigationHelping farming families thrive while fighting climate change in Mexico
Climate adaptation and mitigationWomen and youth help lead efforts to adopt climate-friendly farming and safeguard indigenous maize yields.
New Publications: Conservation agriculture increases the adaptive capacity of cropping systems
Climate adaptation and mitigationA new study examined over 700 independent studies to find out if Conservation Agriculture works in a variety of environmental conditions in tropical areas.
Climate insurance for farmers: a shield that boosts innovation
Climate adaptation and mitigationNew insurance products geared towards smallholder farmers can help them recover their losses, and even encourage investment in climate-resilient innovations.
New crop varieties that counter climate change: a best bet for farmers
Climate adaptation and mitigationNew study uncovers climate footprint of India’s favorite foods
Climate adaptation and mitigationIndia needs to tackle greenhouse gas emissions from its rice and livestock sectors according to a study by CIMMYT and partners.
Breaking Ground: Clare Stirling sees no silver bullets to control agriculture’s emissions
Climate adaptation and mitigationScientist Clare Stirling describes how agriculture can reduce its emissions and adapt to climate change.