Results for "climate change"

Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Climate is the most important challenge farmers face, because "they’re just...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations,
Climate adaptation and mitigation

With agriculture on the agenda at COP24, we highlight six innovations...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Crop growth simulation models coupled with climate model projections are promoted...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

After eight years the Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Cropping Systems for...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation
Nutrition, health and food security

A new study on climate change patterns indicates that climate change...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Leonard Rusinamhodzi works with African farmers to innovate farming systems in...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations
Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Women and youth help lead efforts to adopt climate-friendly farming and...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Gender equality, youth and social inclusion
Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation
Nutrition, health and food security

Delegates at a conference in June called for a new focus...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Farmers in Pakistan that practice climate change adaptation strategies have higher...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation