Results for "climate change"
Pakistan’s wheat yield may decline 16pc due to climate change
Source: Dawn (25 Jun 2023)
The wheat simulation models have been widely used to study diverse...
Unveiling the Nexus between Agrifood Systems and Climate Change: Harvesting insights...
The CGIAR (led by the CGIAR Climate Impact Platform) and the...
Wheat output in Africa and South Asia will suffer severely from...
Crop simulation models predict that climate change will lower global wheat...
Climate Change Research – Meet the Scientists Event and Reception
Sorghum in the 21st Century: Resiliency and Sustainability in the Face...
The international sorghum community will gather to share the latest developments...
Adapting growing seasons to climate change can boost yields of world’s...
New research estimates impact of farmer adaptation to climate change on...
CIMMYT-China workshop aims to facilitate future collaborations to battle climate change
CIMMYT scientists and their Chinese counterparts discuss best methods for protecting...
Plant breeding must adapt to climate change, finds study
The goals for breeding new crops have been changed by the...
Gender-informed policies fundamental for climate change adaptation
Reducing the gender gap in Ethiopian farming households can enhance climate...
Developing climate change resistant wheat
Source: CGTN (4 Oct 2022)
Climate change, particularly rising temperatures, are impacting on wheat yields. CIMMYT...
COP27 – UN Climate Change Conference 2022
In the thirty years since, the world has come a long...
The potential of conservation agriculture in increasing yield and tackling climate...
Over three consecutive years, researchers study conservation agriculture conditions in under-developed...