Mexico's National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (INIFAP)
Q&A with 2019 Women in Triticum awardee Carolina Rivera
CIMMYT scientist Carolina Rivera is one of the six recipients of the 2019 Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award.
Preserving native maize and culture in Mexico
Indigenous farmers in Oaxaca are custodians of maize biodiversity, growing seeds passed down over generations.
Field trial design workshop for smallholder farmers who grow maize landraces
As part of the efforts of the Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture program aimed at improving food security based on maize landraces in marginal areas of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico
Study reveals diversity “blueprint” to help maize crops adapt to changing climates
Scientists unlock evolutionary secrets of landraces through a study of allelic diversity, revealing more about the genetic basis of flowering time and how maize adapts to variable environments.
Celebrating 50 years of collaboration: CIMMYT in the Mexican senate
Learning partnerships turn research into results for Mexican agriculture
The Seeds of Discovery (SeeD) project seeks to empower the next generation of Mexican scientists to use maize and wheat biodiversity to effectively meet the needs of Mexican agriculture in the future.