fall armyworm
Tackling fall armyworm with sustainable control practices
Capacity developmentAdopting sustainable and ecofriendly agricultural practices, sharing valuable knowledge, and providing farmers with effective tools and techniques can help mitigate the impact of fall armyworm in Zimbabwe.
Strengthening seed systems with Zamseed
Capacity developmentTo improve food security in Zambia and Tanzania, CIMMYT and Zamseed join forces to strengthen maize resilience.
How CGIAR maize breeding is improving the world’s major staple crop for tropical regions
Climate adaptation and mitigationMaize breeding innovations by CIMMYT, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), and CGIAR’s Accelerated Breeding Initiative, will deliver climate-resilient and nutritionally enriched maize varieties for farmers and consumers.
Evaluating Agro-ecological Management Options for Fall Armyworm in Zimbabwe
Environmental health and biodiversityFall armyworm research, development and extension for horticulture
Capacity developmentTeams from Queensland DAF, Agriculture Victoria and others joined B.M. Prasanna, CIMMYT’s Maize Program Director, to discuss fall armyworm management and explore future collaboration on plant health.
CIMMYT Director General reaffirms commitment to Zambia
Visit to Southern Africa AID-I Rapid Delivery Hub partners and intervention sites highlights strong partnerships bringing sustainable innovations to Zambia.
Accelerating delivery of stress-tolerant, nutritious seed in Eastern and Southern Africa
Nutrition, health and food securityCIMMYT and partners are working to accelerate the delivery of stress-tolerant and nutritious seeds to boost smallholder farmer resilience to drought and pests in Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia.
Government of Zambia and CIMMYT strengthen ties in agricultural development
Climate adaptation and mitigationZambia Minister of Agriculture host CIMMYT Director General for deliberations on the country’s strategic road map.
Counties Urged To Scale Up And Adopt Pest Control Technologies
Environmental health and biodiversitySource: Kenya News Agency (17 Mar 2023)
How can plant health technologies be more widely adopted by smallholders in Kenya?
Plant Health Innovation Platform at Kiboko, Kenya: integrating and testing eco-friendly solutions against fall armyworm
Environmental health and biodiversityParticipatory testing of fall armyworm (FAW) solutions is helping to find eco-friendly and cost-effective integrated pest management (IPM) packages in Kenya.
Taking Aim Against the Dire Threat of Fall Army Worm
Environmental health and biodiversitySource: The Farming Forum (30 Dec 2022)
Latest progress on fall armyworm prevention and protection show signs of success for smallholders.
Kenya: Scientists team up to control fall army worms
Environmental health and biodiversitySource: Agro News (9 Nov 2022)
Scientists are working to contain the spread of fall armyworm in Kenya with naturally resistant varieties and eco-friendly solutions.
Refresher webinar on fall armyworm management in South Asia
Environmental health and biodiversityExperts share latest updates, experiences, and ways forward to help farmers battle fall armyworm.
AGG-Maize project registers impressive progress
Nutrition, health and food securityAchievements and next steps discussed at the review meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.