Results for "nitrogen"

Environmental health and biodiversity

CIMMYT and JIRCAS research aims to identify the mechanisms plants use...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Environmental health and biodiversity
In the media

Source: Seed Today (5 Jul 2023)

Integrated management of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources in high- to...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Environmental health and biodiversity

Improving the distribution and use of nitrogen fertilizer — skewed by...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Environmental health and biodiversity

Scientists research whether nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and tomato production in...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Responses of yields and N₂O emissions to N inputs could be...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT scientists seek alternatives to synthetic nitrogen using biological nitrogen fixation...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity,
Environmental health and biodiversity
Climate adaptation and mitigation
In the media

Source: (3 Sep 2021)

An international collaboration has discovered a biological nitrification inhibition trait that,...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations
Climate adaptation and mitigation
Press releases

Scientists used a wild grass trait that inhibits soil microbes from...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations
Climate adaptation and mitigation
Press releases

A new meta-study confirms that nitrous oxide emissions can be reduced...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

The most essential nutrient in global crop production is also one...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity,
Climate adaptation and mitigation

The results of the study will allow farmers to get the...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Briquetted urea and polymer-coated urea more efficient as maize fertilizers than...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation

Discover the natural process of nitrogen fixation, which transforms atmospheric nitrogen...

Climate adaptation and mitigation

In this interview, Iván Ortíz-Monasterio, expert on sustainable intensification and wheat...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation