Year: 2021


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

SIS currently implemented in three states in India helps generate robust soil health data to support soil management and agriculture interventions.


tag icon Capacity development

Study evaluates the advantages of biofortified maize and its implications in poultry farming.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

The current focus in nutritional circles on micronutrient malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits has raised questions about continuing to invest in research on energy-rich cereal crops and related farming systems.


tag icon Capacity development

Scientists from Wageningen University and CIMMYT documents the magnitude, patterns, and drivers of yield gaps in sub-Saharan Africa.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT scientists recently joined peers in the international wheat research community to share latest findings, offer updates, and raise compelling questions at the 2021 Borlaug Global Rust Initiative Technical Workshop.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: The Land (1 Nov 2021)

In an interview with The Land, Alison Bentley emphasized the importance of developing drought-tolerant wheat varieties to see better yields in tough seasons.


tag icon Innovations

Representatives of the Carlos Slim Foundation and Mexico’s National Agriculture Council (CNA) agree on the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors, civil society and research organizations like CIMMYT.


tag icon Capacity development

The ADAPT-Wheat initiative will help small and medium-size wheat farmers in Ethiopia’s Awash Valley through pilot technologies and farming practices.


tag icon Capacity development

Finance Coordinator

Field Research Technician

Agronomy-at-scale Data Scientist

Product Development Breeder, Easter Africa