Several experts from across CGIAR, including Sonja Vermeulen, managing director of Genetic Innovation, Hugo Campos, CIP deputy director, Sarah Hearne, CIMMYT Genetic Resources program director a.i., and Charlotte Lusty, Genetic Innovation senior director gene banks, the Alliance Bioversity-CIAT, visited the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs MARA-CIMMYT Joint Laboratory on 25-26 January 2024.
The MARA-CIMMYT Joint Laboratory, hosted by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), is a global leader in Chinese wheat quality and molecular development and application and plays a significant role in variety development, serving as an entry point for international collaboration.
The visit follows a China visit from CIMMYT’s Director General Bram Govaerts. “We remain committed to strengthening collaboration ties by continuing wheat and maize germplasm introduction, and climate change adaptation and carbon sequestration, two key issues we discussed, bearing in mind that our partnership with China is mutually beneficial and contributes to the world’s food security,” said Govaerts.
“The partnership between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and CIMMYT sets the standard for collaboration among CGIAR organizations and government ministries,” said Vermeulen. “And the timely and effective facilitation of the CAAS is a key part of this venture’s success.”

CIMMYT Distinguished Scientist and the Country Representative for China, Zhonghu He, presented the history and achievement of the China-CIMMYT partnership.
“CIMMYT maize varieties have been planted on more than 1 million hectares across China and three thousand new inbred lines were introduced to broaden the genetic base of Chinese maize germplasm,” said He. “The MARA-CIMMYT partnership has released thirteen commercial maize varieties in Nepal and elsewhere.”
The delegation received a first-hand look at noodle quality evaluation and gave high recommendation to the wheat variety Zhongmai 578, derived from CIMMYT germplasm with high-yield potential and excellent pan bread and noodle qualities. It is planted on half a million hectares across China, with a yield of six-thousand tons, leading to both improving farmer income and enhancing the competitiveness of the food industry in China.