
For more information, contact CIMMYT’s Ethiopia office.

Director General’s visit to Ethiopia consolidates existing partnerships and finds new opportunities for collaboration.

CIMMYT presents data to Tropentag on potential benefits of women participation in household decisions on crop farming and variety selection.

Male and female farmers in Ethiopia and India face different challenges to accessing new wheat varieties, discovers CIMMYT researchers.

Reducing the gender gap in Ethiopian farming households can enhance climate change adaptation by female-headed households by almost 19%.

Achievements and next steps discussed at the review meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.

New issue spotlights importance of gender inclusive approach to agricultural research for development.

CIMMYT and EIAR launch working group in Ethiopia to implement IMAGE, a five-year project that will improve seed variety deployment in Africa.

CGIAR research centers are combining expertise and resource to increase farmers’ yields in a sustainable way and build risk resilience against climate change.

CIMMYT trains Ethiopian national partners in crop monitoring and yield forecasting as part of AICCRA’s effort to improve climate information services.

There is no universal model for successfully delivering climate-smart agriculture. But the AICCRA experience in Ethiopia shows how engaging changemakers can reveal effective, inclusive, and localized ways to make farming communities more resilient to climate change.

In collaboration with GIZ, CIMMYT’s Scaling Scan is helping Green Innovation Centers in Africa address the sustainability problem.