Mexico's National Agriculture Council (CNA)
Inspired by ‘enemy of world hunger’ Rajaram, national and global institutions and research centers strengthen their commitment to food security
Mexican authorities and international researchers pay tribute to World Food Prize Laureate and former wheat scientist Sanjaya Rajaram at the CIMMYT experimental station in Toluca named after him.
World-class laboratories and research fields to the service of Mexico and the world
Representatives of the Carlos Slim Foundation and Mexico’s National Agriculture Council (CNA) agree on the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors, civil society and research organizations like CIMMYT.
CIMMTT, alimentando al mundo
Source: El Sol de México (4 May 2021)
An op-ed published in El Sol de México recognizes CIMMYT’s contribution to tackling food insecurity through improved nutrient-rich, high-yielding varieties and sustainable agronomic practices.
50-year anniversary of Norman Borlaug’s Nobel Peace Prize
A special event will make a global call to action: to develop a transformational response of agriculture for peace.
Winners of third Cargill-CIMMYT Award increase food production in Mexico
The award supports initiatives that tackle food security challenges in Mexico through long-term solutions.