Results for "maize lethal necrosis"
Combatting maize lethal necrosis in Zimbabwe
CIMMYT leads training sessions to equip stakeholders with tools to identify...
MAIZE partners announce a new manual for effectively managing maize lethal...
The manual builds on the lessons of a decade of work...
Fast-tracked adoption of second-generation resistant maize varieties key to managing maize...
Source: (20 Jan 2021)
In combination with recommended integrated pest management practices, adopting these new...
Fast-tracked adoption of second-generation resistant maize varieties key to managing maize...
New lines of CIMMYT-derived maize show increased resistance to maize lethal...
Maize Lethal Necrosis Diagnostics and Prevention of Seed Transmission
Breaking Ground: Scientist L.M. Suresh uses new technology to fight maize...
Maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease is putting maize production at risk...
New online portal offers information to curb maize lethal necrosis in...
The new maize lethal necrosis online portal provides up-to-date information and...
Maize lethal necrosis quarantine facility opens avenues for introducing novel maize...
The maize lethal necrosis quarantine facility in southern Africa was officially...
Three major commercial maize seed exporting countries in southern Africa found...
Three major commercial maize-growing and seed exporting countries in southern Africa...
New Publications: Maize Lethal Necrosis survey reveals farmer impact, future needs
A new study reveals the need for continued development of maize...
Maize lethal necrosis field day demonstrates promising maize germplasm
KALRO and CIMMYT invited public and private sector partners in eastern...
Government of Zimbabwe and CIMMYT to establish maize lethal necrosis (MLN)...
A modern quarantine facility will be established this year to safely...