Gender equality, youth and social inclusion
Gender and other social differences such as age, wealth and ethnicity, have an enormous influence upon the success of agricultural interventions. To ensure equitable impacts and benefits to rural people, CIMMYT emphasizes inclusive research and development interventions. Starting with the collection of data on gender and social differences, efforts are underway to address these gaps and ensure equitable adoption of technologies and practice. This includes working towards gender-equitable control of productive assets and resources; technologies that reduce women’s labor; and improved capacity of women and youth to participate in decision-making.
Fodder Technology Chops Backbreaking Labor in Half for Bangladeshi Women
Source: AgriLink (31 Mar 2023)
The fodder chopper implemented by CIMMYT has been a game-changer for female farmers and wider rural economies in Bangladesh.
Show that you can thrive and excel in all environments
One CGIAR System Board Chair Lindiwe Majele Sibanda shares lessons from her life and wide-ranging career.
Women leaders in science: reaching out to break through
Breaking barriers and changing the leadership equation through women as catalysts of change.
A Mexican farm research program gains praise and interest for use abroad
The Mexican government-supported research-for-rural development initiative MasAgro has raised maize and wheat yields and farm profitability while mitigating farmers’ risk and agriculture’s ecological and climate impacts.
Building technical capacity for emerging agri-research science and big data management
New collaborative survey on local cropping systems provides rural work experience for students at Chaudhury Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University.
Set an example of how to thrive
Business-leader Altagracia Gómez Sierra calls for social profitability and the encouragement of young girls during talk on women’s leadership.
Hard work pays off
Young Nepalese farmers look towards prosperous futures in agriculture.
Closing the gender leadership gap: The power of women role models
Be inspired. Be a catalyst of change. CIMMYT launches Catalysts of Change: Women Leaders in Science series.
Women Farmers And Technology: Key to Driving Agri Revolution in India
Source: News 18 (16 Jun 2023)
Temina Lalani-Shariff, CGIAR regional director for South Asia, explains how mechanization technologies sustainably manage land and water systems for smallholders, enhancing food security and promoting gender equality in agriculture.
Community-Driven Science Paves the Way for Sustainable Development
Source: Foodtank (16 Jun 2023)
In a new publication in Frontiers in Ecology, Sieg Snapp, Sustainable Agrifood Systems director, encourages researchers to generate findings and knowledge in collaboration with local communities to meet local needs and advance progress around the Sustainable Development Goals.
Alison Bentley announced as 2023 Borlaug CAST Communication Award recipient
The annual award recognizes outstanding achievements and contributions by scientists, engineers, or other professionals in the agricultural, environmental, or food sectors to the advancement of science through communication in public policy fields.
Farmers on the Front Lines: Mexico’s Cacao Crops Are Recovering Thanks to Women Like This
Source: Global Citizen (21 Apr 2023)
CIMMYT gender research helps the Agrovita program, a collaboration between PepsiCo and Proforest, a UK-based agriculture non-profit, to design and promote gender sensitive training programs for smallholder cacao farmers in Tabasco and Chiapas, Mexico.
The status of women in agri-food systems
CIMMYT’s efforts to align with FAO recommendations to strengthen women’s roles in food systems.
Graduate of CIMMYT/ICAR partnership honored by Indian government
Harisankar Nayak’s thesis honored at a ceremony hosted by India’s Vice President
2023 Women In Triticum (WIT) Award Winners Announced
The Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) is pleased to announce the 2023 Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career and Mentor awardees, recognizing excellence in science and leadership for a wheat-secure future.