Capacity development

CIMMYT training courses play a critical role in helping international researchers meet national food security and resource conservation goals. By sharing knowledge to build communities of agricultural knowledge in less developed countries, CIMMYT empowers researchers to aid farmers. In turn, these farmers help ensure sustainable food security. In contrast to formal academic training in plant breeding and agronomy, CIMMYT training activities are hands-on and highly specialized. Trainees from Africa, Asia and Latin America benefit from the data assembled and handled in a global research program. Alumni of CIMMYT courses often become a significant force for agricultural change in their countries.

The UU Share Fair showcased an array of innovative technologies poised to transform agricultural practices in the region.

Reaching out to farmers in the Songwe region of Tanzania.

Targeted support for underrepresented groups of farmers is increasing crop variety, agronomic skills, household income, and food production in Tanzania’s Songwe region.

In a visit by USAID and CIMMYT, cutting-edge agricultural approaches in Bangladesh highlighted the power of combining technological innovations, climate-focused practices, and community power.

In collaboration with ZARI and other partners, CIMMYT brought together wheat scientists, researchers, academics, policymakers, and extension agents to address the urgent threat of wheat blast across borders.

AIDI-L, a two-year project, aims to help 15,000 small scale poultry-keeping households. The project holds promise to revitalize chicken farming in Zambia.

As part of ADAPT-Wheat, four scientists exposed to the latest technologies, methods, and equipment.

USAID has partnered with CIMMYT to implement the Feed the Future VACS Capacity Activity.

The active participation of rural women in agricultural development has been a fundamental element in promoting sustainable transformation in communities in southeast Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.

ADCIN represents a leap forward in African agricultural cooperation, addressing dryland crop challenges through tailored projects for maximum impact.

Experts from Chinese agricultural research organizations and CIMMYT partnered to deliver workshops for African scientists and breeders on mitigating the effects of wheat Fusarium head blight.

Agricultural stakeholders in Tanzania, including CIMMYT, are launching a project to combat soil acidity and boost crop yields.

Leaders from the CGIAR Initiative: Excellence in Agronomy visit Mexico to learn how the hubs driven by CIMMYT and collaborators have positive impacts on farming communities.

Partners prioritize capacity building to boost sustainable maize production in Laos.

Working with partners, CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan empowers women farmers in conflict-torn South Kordofan. It provides them with training and resources to increase crop yields and enhance community self-sufficiency.