wheat breeding
New heat-tolerant wheat varieties prove fruitful for Ethiopia’s irrigated lowlands
Climate adaptation and mitigationThe release of new lines by the ADAPT-Wheat project will expand Ethiopia’s total farming area and wheat production by opening up lowland farming opportunities.
Unlocking the power of collaboration in global wheat science
InnovationsCIMMYT and NARS scientists exchange knowledge on wheat improvement efforts in Pakistan, Nepal, and India.
Accord of international center and Spanish cooperative seed supplier will bolster farmers’ access to climate-resilient wheat in the Mediterranean Basin
Climate adaptation and mitigationWheat breeding lines that pass testing under Mediterranean heat and dry conditions are specially suited for rainfed farming around the Basin, including in North Africa.
East African wheat breeding pipeline and E&SSA network
Climate adaptation and mitigationGenetic trials in the region will continue throughout 2024 and 2025 to establish a baseline for genetic gains and to enable the assessment of the breeding pipeline’s progress in the coming years.
Enhancing wheat breeding efficiency in South Asia through early germplasm access
Environmental health and biodiversitySuccess stories witnessed in India, Pakistan, and Nepal underscore the transformative potential of this approach, offering a beacon of hope for agricultural communities in South Asia and beyond.
Building on fifty years of collaboration, a visit by Chinese politicians to CIMMYT in Mexico breeds new opportunities for tackling global agricultural challenges
InnovationsBuilding on fifty years of collaboration, a visit by Chinese politicians to CIMMYT in Mexico breeds new opportunities for tackling global agricultural challenges.
CIMMYT-BISA-ICAR partnership brings huge benefits in South Asia
Climate adaptation and mitigationIn 2011, CIMMYT and ICAR committed to agricultural development in South Asia with the creation of BISA. Since then, BISA has increased crop yields, developed hardy wheat varieties and championed environmental health.
A Mexican farm research program gains praise and interest for use abroad
Climate adaptation and mitigationThe Mexican government-supported research-for-rural development initiative MasAgro has raised maize and wheat yields and farm profitability while mitigating farmers’ risk and agriculture’s ecological and climate impacts.
Country moving forward from wheat importer to self-sufficiency
InnovationsThe release of 31 wheat varieties brings Pakistan closer to self-suffiency in wheat production.
Hot, dry climates call for resilient, high-performing wheat varieties
Climate adaptation and mitigationNew breeding science can fortify wheat against the onslaught of hotter weather, increasing droughts, and evolving and spreading pests and diseases.
Young CIMMYT scientist receives 2022 Japan Award for global research to combat wheat aphids
Environmental health and biodiversityElite wheat lines from the work are being freely shared with partners worldwide.
Increasing yield gain in Afghanistan
Nutrition, health and food securityGenetic gain for yield in CIMMYT varieties distributed in Afghanistan shows an increase over a 14-year period.
Developing climate change resistant wheat
Climate adaptation and mitigationSource: CGTN (4 Oct 2022)
Climate change, particularly rising temperatures, are impacting on wheat yields. CIMMYT is working to develop new varieties with tolerance to the effects of climate change.
Special issue on gender research in agriculture highlights CIMMYT’s work on gender inclusivity
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionNew issue spotlights importance of gender inclusive approach to agricultural research for development.
A Chinese Wheat Breeder’s International Vision
Climate adaptation and mitigationSource: China Minutes (7 Sep 2022)
China is the largest global producer and consumer of wheat. The country’s breeders are developing high quality, high yield varieties, with resistance to the droughts and crop blights that have increased in frequency and spread due to climate change.