Results for "ICRISAT"
Yield gap analysis key to meeting future crop demand
The Global Yield Gap Atlas (GYGA) can help identify where major...
Setting the stage for delivering high zinc wheat in South Asia
AAA hybrids move towards commercialization
PLC6 is a term used to refer to an advanced stage...
Seeds for needs in Malawi
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government...
The International Maize Improvement Consortium for Asia (IMIC-Asia): partnership for targeted...
Overview of CGIAR Development Dialogues
The inaugural CGIAR Development Dialogues will focus attention on the vital...
New USAID lead for climate-resilient cereals portfolio visits Heat Stress Tolerant...
Rajeev Varshney recognized in list of 2014 highly cited researchers
Thomson Reuters, a media and information firm, recently released the 2014...