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Sasakawa and partners impacts

A website designed to track the effectiveness of efforts to improve farmersā€™ livelihoods in Ethiopia and Uganda is available to the public and the CIMMYT community at http://sg2000ia.cimmyt.org/. The site provides information that is used to monitor knowledge from and assess impacts of the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)ā€” particularly the Sasakawa-Global 2000 Programā€”and partners on their capacity building efforts and dissemination of technologies for improved cropping practices in Africa.

This impact-assessing project has been in place since 2006 and focuses on maize and wheat production; conservation agriculture; tillage technology; and post-harvest, agroprocessing, and improved marketing technologies for other relevant crops in local farming systems. The corresponding website, developed by Roberto La Rovere and launched in 2008, has information on the projectā€™s background, approach, and key contributors. It also contains peer-reviewed journal paper, socioeconomic reports, datasets, interactive Google Earth maps, and other collection and management tools.