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Awards for CIMMYT & partners

Several CIMMYT scientists were recently honoured for their achievements in Mexico and abroad. Carlos Martínez, biotechnology assistant, and Mijail Javier, laboratory assistant, of the Applied Biotechnology Center (ABC) won first place awards for two CIMMYT posters at the 22nd National and 2nd International Phytogenetic Conference of the Mexican Phytogenetic Society, held at the University of Chapingo from 21-26 September 2008.

Bacilisa Luna, Mijail Javier, and Carlos Sánchez.

Martínez shares the recognition for his poster with Shibin Gao, Alan F. Krivanek, Jonathan H. Crouch, and Yunbi Xu, while Javier shares the award for the second poster with Marilyn Warburton, María Zaharieva, Claudia Bedoya, and Susanne Dreisigacker. ABC personnel also extend thanks to Jonathan Crouch, Susanne Dreisigacker, Yumbi Xu, and Maria Zaharieva for supporting their participation in the Conference, and to Moisés Cortés, CIMMYT Principal Researcher, for his help in preparing the posters.

“The judges evaluated the posters based on content and graphic presentation, but above all based on the way the authors presented their subject matter,” said Bacilisa Luna, biotechnology assistant, who also attended the Conference.

Meanwhile, across the globe, a team of scientists from CIMMYT, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) attended the Generation Challenge Program (GCP) Annual Research Meeting 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand from 16-20 September. The team received the best poster prize in theme 2: Genomic resources and gene/pathway discovery. Their poster, titled “Identification of orthologous regions associated with tissue growth under water-limited conditions,” represented GCP work to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling tissue growth under drought stress in rice (IRRI) and maize (INRA and CIMMYT). Congratulations to all who participated!

Jubilant poster winners (left-right, back rowfront row) Trushar Shah (CRIL, based in CIMMYT)Claude Welcker (INRA), Mauleon “Mau” Ramil (CRIL), Genevieve “Jemi” Aquino (CRIL), Jill Cairns (CESD), and Andreas Hund (ETH).