The CAIGE Project seeks to offer the University of Sydney and Australian grain breeders access to provider sites, materials, and data at times to be agreed by the parties. Offer support to the recipient and Australian grain breeders to choose materials from CIMMYT and enter into supply orders.
The project aims to align with the Sustainable Development Goals: Contributing to SDG 2 – Zero Hunger.

- Every alternate year, a set of elite spring wheat lines is shared with the CAIGE program in Australia.
- Joint evaluation of CIMMYT & Australian lines across Australia, October 2022 (N=312 lines).
Data provided
- Grain yield under full irrigation and drought
- TKW under full irrigation and drought
- Quality traits (protein, sedimentation volume etc) under full irrigation
- Disease traits: Leaf and Yellow rust, and soil borne disease
- Stem rust (Debre Zeit – Ethiopia and Njoro –Kenya
2022/23: Additional set of new cohorts of lines sent to Australia for quarantine and seed increase process.
CAIGE Australia team will visit CIMMYT Obregon March 2024

Direct release of CIMMYT wheat in Australia