In the media
IFPRI, IRRI, CIMMYT, WorldFish make joint call for measures to avert risk to food system
Source: Dhaka Tribune (22 Apr 2020)
CGIAR centers recommended Bangladesh to ensure transportation of food and the flow of crucial inputs to farmers through market systems.
Coronavirus lockdown diets look the same the world over: Bread, beans, and comfort food
Source: Fortune (18 Apr 2020)
Biodiversity loss poses dangers for the robustness of the environment, the safety of our food supply chain and potential exposure to pandemics.
Conservation agriculture key to better income, environment protection: Study
Source: The Hindu Business Line (17 Apr 2020)
New study in India reports conservation agriculture increases crop yield and income, reduces the use of natural resources, and offers climate benefits.
Why Conserving Biodiversity Is Crucial to Prevent Future Pandemics
Source: The Wire (14 Apr 2020)
Biodiversity loss creates new opportunities for pathogens to move from one species to another.
Arms Race Part 1: Ug99
Source: Plantopia (9 Apr 2020)
CIMMYT senior scientist Dave Hodson discusses striking parallels between wheat rust and global human epidemics on new podcast.
In new hostile climate, drought-tolerant crops, systems needed on unprecedented scale
Source: SciDev.Net (12 Mar 2020)
Agricultural science offers solutions to deal with consequences of extreme weather.
Africa’s devastating locust outbreak exposes need for crop science on all fronts
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation (9 Mar 2020)
Effective pest management is the responsibility of farmers and scientists.
Why heirloom tortillas are an endangered species
Source: Maclean's (6 Mar 2020)
Preserving ancient maize landraces in Mexico is key for biodiversity, food security and future sustainability.
With 30,000 surveys, researchers build the go-to dataset for smallholder farms
Source: (3 Mar 2020)
Survey tool can help farmers face challenges of climate change, food security, nutrition, farm productivity and social inclusion.
What will be the new face of European agriculture in the coming years?
Source: EuroNews (2 Mar 2020)
Rising temperatures pose risk for agriculture in Europe — but adaptation is under way with the help of climate data.
Biofortified Crop Project Reaches Refugees in Zambia
Source: Inter Press Service (27 Feb 2020)
Refugees receive technical assistance, nutrition education and training on growing biofortified maize.
Advancing Nutritious Food Crops: The Role of the Public Sector
Source: Outlook India (25 Feb 2020)
Harvest Plus supports cross-sector alliances to advance biofortified crops in India.
Global climate frameworks miss the ‘big picture’ on food
Source: Thomson Reuters (18 Feb 2020)
Schemes may fall short of ambitions by dealing separately with food production, supply and consumption.
New mobile app helping Latin American farmers increase crop yields by 12%
Source: Real Wire (11 Feb 2020)
Mexican farmers in Yaqui Valley use smartphone app with satellite data to make decisions about irrigation and crop management.
Another Green Revolution needed for wheat, says report
Source: Dawn (9 Feb 2020)
Climate change threatens wheat yields in South Asia.