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Global public goods workshops at CIMMYT

During August 15-23 CIMMYT El Batán is hosting two workshops attended by scientists from CGIAR centers and other organizations involved in genetic resource management —including CIMMYT Mexico and Kenya, CIAT, CIP, ICARDA, IITA, IRRI, ICRISAT, Bioversity, the Danish Seed Health Centre for Developing Countries, the International Seed Federation and the Mexican National Commission for Biodiversity (CONABIO).

The first workshop developed draft guidelines for germplasm banks’ management of the inadvertent presence of transgenes and the maintenance of transgene-free germplasm. The second, which begins on Monday, will deal with best practices in safe germplasm movement. The meetings have been organized by Tom Payne, Monica Mezzalama, and Etienne Duveiller. They are part of phase two of the World Bank’s project on Collective Action for the Rehabilitation of Global Public Goods in the CGIAR Genetic Resources System, involving all 11 CGIAR germplasm banks.