Food security is a national security issue everywhere

Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, CGIAR Systems Board chair, lays out strategies that build on CGIAR's investments in rural economies for more diversified and resilient food systems.

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By: Professor Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, Chair, CGIAR System Board

With conflict in Ukraine, Sudan and elsewhere, the relationship between instability, migration and food security is increasingly apparent.

The Russia Ukraine crisis, is affecting food systems around the world, driving up the price of grains and fertilizers with countries that can least afford it hit the hardest. At the same time, broader food insecurity is contributing to forced migration and rising social tensions.

Accelerating climate change amplifies the risks, with yields for some crops in sub-Saharan Africa set to fall by up to 35 per cent by 2050.

Read the full story in English here.

This article was originally published in Swedish by Global Bar Magazine.