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Ambassadors and Mexican Embassy staff, 26 September

El Batán received diplomats and high-level representatives from the Mexican embassies of 16 countries, as well as from the European Commission, the Mexican foreign affairs secretariat (SRE), the World Bank, FAO, and the Inter-American Development Bank on 26 September 2008.

CIMMYT DG Tom Lumpkin spoke to the visitors about CIMMYT’s history and how its work addresses global climate change, food security, and migration. Afterwards, the group toured the germplasm bank and biotech labs, and visited demonstration plots for maize, wheat, and conservation agriculture. On hand during the visit and gala luncheon were CIMMYT staff and spouses from many of the countries represented. The visitors were impressed with what they saw and heard, and were encouraged to participate in the future as “ambassadors” for CIMMYT. Followups planned should enhance support from and partnerships with the countries represented.