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Monitoring spot blotch of wheat

BiharA one-day field training on scoring for spot blotch was organized on 17 March 2012 at the Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA) experiment station in Pusa, Bihar. Participants were 16 young scientists and students of Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU) and the Regional Station of Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI). Renowned pathologist Professor Ramesh Chand, Banaras Hindu University, was the main resource person, supported by Dr. Rajeev Kumar (RAU) and Raj Kumar Jat (CIMMYT).

The training program covered spot blotch symptom identification, scoring, and laboratory analysis. Theory sessions on each topic were supplemented by field practicums, and participants were divided into small groups for an exercise on disease scoring. The readings were cross-verified across groups and the data compared. The trainees were also shown the presence of leaf tip necrosis (Ltn) Sr2 symptoms and how to score them. Dr Rajeev Kumar provided laboratory facilities.