Join us for an informative webinar on millet value chains and innovative processing methods. Millets, often referred to as “smart crops,” are gaining recognition for their nutritional, ecological and economic value. This webinar will bring together researchers, experts and practitioners to explore the development of millet value chains, discover sustainable processing techniques and understand the immense future potential of these ancient grains.
Moderator: Kevin Pixley, director of the Dryland Crops program
Session topics:
The development of millet value chains or processing
Speaker: Dayakar Rao, Indian Institute of Millets Research
Value chain and processing, nutritional value, economic opportunities, sustainability
Technical aspect of blended flour
Speaker: Daniel Ndaka Sila, professor at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)
Processing, quality control and nutritional value, future trends
Consumer perspective on blended flour
Speaker: Sarah Wairimu Kariuki, CIMMYT
Consumer preferences, nutritional value, affordability, accessibility and future trends
Time: 4 – 5 p.m. (East Africa time)
Register in advance for this webinar:
The development of millet value chains and processing