La campaña A Grain a Day (un grano al día) nos brinda la oportunidad de esclarecer el importante papel del maíz y el trigo en la nutrición, y también de apreciar su valor en nuestra alimentación. Según datos de las agencias alimentarias de las Naciones Unidas, se estima que, a nivel global, existen 800 millones de personas que no tienen alimentos suficientes para estar sanos y llevar una vida activa, y que más de 2,000 millones padecen desnutrición o «hambre oculta». Algunas medidas a las que podemos recurrir para asegurarnos de ingerir una dosis apropiada de micronutrientes son diversificar nuestra dieta; recibir educación en nutrición; tomar suplementos; y consumir productos biofortificados. Científicos del CIMMYT hacen uso de la biofortificación para aumentar el contenido de provitamina A y zinc en el maíz y de hierro y zinc en el trigo.
Únase a la campaña A Grain a Day . Solo tiene que mandarnos su receta favorita a base de maíz o trigo. Incluiremos las recetas más originales en nuestro sitio web y las incluiremos en nuestro recetario “A Grain a Day”, que será publicado en el verano.
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Vitamin A Orange Maize: A partnership between Agriculture and Nutrition Bears Fruit
By Yassir Islam, Guest blogger from HarvestPlus
One of the fruits of the partnership between agricultural scientists and nutritionists were the world’s first “orange” maize varieties rich in vitamin A. This ‘orange’ vitamin A maize has been conventionally bred to provide higher levels of provitamin A carotenoids, a naturally occurring plant pigment also found in many orange foods such as mangoes, carrots and pumpkins, that the body then converts into vitamin A.
Farmers in India embrace high-zinc
wheat for its nutritional benefit
By Velu GovindanUndernourishment affects some 795 million people worldwide – more than one out of every nine people do not get enough food to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Combatting hidden hunger is key to boosting good nutrition
By Martin Kropff, CIMMYT Director GeneralThere are certain things that all human beings need to survive and food is one of them. Aside from food as a biological necessity, it is also a complex cultural product shaped by agriculture, climate, geography and the pursuit of pleasure.

“A Grain a Day” is an opportunity to shed light on the important role maize and wheat play in global nutrition and to celebrate the dietary value of these food staples. Globally, an estimated 800 million people do not get enough food to eat and more than 2 billion suffer from micronutrient deficiency, or “hidden hunger,” according to U.N. food agencies. Measures to ensure an adequate supply of vital micronutrients include: diet diversification, nutritional education, supplementation and biofortification. Scientists at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) are using biofortification to boost pro-vitamin A and zinc levels in maize and iron and zinc concentrations in wheat.
You can join in the campaign by sending us your favorite wheat or maize-based recipe. We’ll feature original recipes on this page and in our “A Grain a Day” cookbook to be published this summer.
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